About me

Hi! I’m Lisa-Marie.

I am a cognitive scientist from Germany with a Ph.D. in computer science.

During my bachelor’s and master’s studies, I started being interested in sleep & dream and human attention mechanisms. My goal is to leverage the intelligence of humans as well as machines. For my Ph.D. thesis, I focused on attention-aware interaction systems for augmented reality. I have a lot of experience in EEG, eye tracking, machine learning and BCI research, including conference talks and paper publications. My work also includes teaching university courses which I highly enjoy. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the computational and cognitive neuroscience lab (Prof. Dr. Yu) at the University of California, San Diego.

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.


The Milestones


B.Sc. und M.Sc.

  • Bachelor and Master degree in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück, Germany




      Since 2023

      Assist. Professor

      • Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Netherlands


      Paper, Interviews, and Talks

      Peer-reviewed Publications


      Collaborating Authors

      * According to Google Scholar (last accessed December 2023)

      © Image credit to Benedikt Ehinger. This shows my own EEG recordings in my self-designed experiment visualized using the words of my master’s thesis.


      My Research Interests

      I am fascinated by the role and effects of attentional mechanisms and states because I believe it has a fundamental influence on basically all other aspects of human cognition. Addressing different research questions and motivations regarding human attention, I have worked intensively with machine learning, biosignal data processing (mostly EEG and eye tracking), augmented reality, cognitive modeling, and brain-computer interfaces.

      The Human Brain
      Eye Tracking
      Brain Computer Interfaces
      Augmented Reality
      Working Memory
      Machine Learning


      My teaching philosophy and experience

      Supervision and Mentorship

      It is critical for me as a teacher to foster a trusting relationship and to provide opportunities for personal interaction. I want to provide sufficient space and incentive for student questions and suggestions and offer individual and flexible support for the learning process to respond to their diverse needs and circumstances.

      Lectures and Seminars

       I place an emphasis on a transparent motivation for the content and chosen methods and didactics. My philosophy emphasizes not only the technical and theoretical knowledge, but also learning strategies, self-management, and the application of knowledge and skills. Independent of the theoretical content, I want my students to be motivated to participate in the course for personal development.

      Certified Teacher

      I have focused my own development not only on my scientific education but also contributed significantly to faculty work and invested a lot of time and effort into becoming an excellent teacher and supervisor – didactically and methodologically. Apart for my teaching experiences, I have completed several teaching certificates and I am always excited to apply this knowledge in my classes.


      Email Address

      La Jolla, CA, USA

      Current Location

      Get In Touch

      Interested in my research or want to collaborate?

      I’d be happy to hear from you. Leave me a message right here.

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